We present recursive small-step multi-agent A* (RS-MAA*), an exact algorithm that optimizes the expected reward in decentralized partially observable Markov decision processes (Dec-POMDPs). RS-MAA* builds on multi-agent A* (MAA*), an algorithm that finds policies by exploring a search tree, but tackles two major scalability concerns. First, we employ a modified, small-step variant of the search tree that avoids the double exponential outdegree of the classical formulation. Second, we use a tight and recursive heuristic that we compute on-the-fly, thereby avoiding an expensive precomputation. The resulting algorithm is conceptually simple, yet it shows superior performance on a rich set of standard benchmarks.
Koops, W., Jansen, N., Junges, S., & Simão, T. D. (2023). Recursive Small-Step Multi-Agent A* for Dec-POMDPs. IJCAI, 5402–5410.
@inproceedings{Koops2023recursive,author={Koops, Wietze and Jansen, Nils and Junges, Sebastian and Sim{\~a}o, Thiago D.},title={Recursive Small-Step Multi-Agent {A*} for {Dec-POMDP}s},booktitle={IJCAI},year={2023},pages={5402--5410}}